Launching a newsletter! (Issue #1)

Why? Because I can, and you should subscribe. I’ll share some technical tricks and cool things I’ve discovered from across my online travels every Sunday.
- Someone on TikTok showed off how to make an automatic license plate reader for the highway beside his house and shows off how to do it in 60 seconds.
- Stoic is trying to become the Betterment or Wealthsimple of crypto currency
- Saw this list of 7 steps to get your startup ready for SOC2.
- Texas looks weird, yo. They had warning of this in 2011 but did nothing to prepare. Well, most of the state didn’t. El Paso’s own power grid did prepare after 2011 and has had no issues with the snow and cold snap.
- A criminologist working with suggested in 2019 that “we estimate that there are 4,000 active in the United States right now”. That’s fun.
- Here’s the super high-res (120mp) photo I took of a LTE tower on my recent travels.
See you on Sunday!